
FLAFA Grievance/Complaint Procedure


Provide a positive experience for all members within the Forest Lake Area Fastpitch Association.


The FLAFA board realizes that from time to time an issue may arise within the organization that requires additional attention


The FLAFA board has designed a grievance policy to provide a process by which and individual can present an issue for review and resolution. Complaints will be based on the conduct of Board members or coaches for issues related to FLAFA activities.

Any grievance should be presented on an individual basis; group grievances will not be accepted. It is the intent of the FLAFA board to keep these matters confidential, involving only those involved with the grievance.

What to do if you have a grievance

  1. 1. 24 Hour Rule-Wait 24 hours before acting. This “time out” period must be observed to allow emotions to cool.
  2. Talk to the individual the grievance is with- Find an appropriate time away from the team to discuss the problem.
  3. Talk with the coach or team parent representative - Find an appropriate time away from the team to discuss the problem.
  4. Talk to the Board Liaison for the team- Discuss the situation with the board liaison for the team.
  5. File an Official Grievance-An official grievance form can be found on our website. The FLAFA Grievance Committee will only review cases that are submitted on the official FLAFA Grievance Form.


The Forest Lake Area Fastpitch Association board of directors will not hear complaints about the FLAFA bylaws or policies and procedures.

Please remember that the Forest Lake Fastpitch Board is made up of volunteers and that the decision made on grievances will be what the board believes is in the best interest of all of the children in our program.

All decisions of the Forest Lake Fastpitch Association Board will be final.

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