
Fundraising is a crucial part of the FLAFA program. Participation helps raise much needed money for the program to help supplement player fees for things such as equipment, field maintenance, umpires, tournament fees, coaching clinics and other costs needed to maintain our program. Checks will be collected on parent/ player night in the amount of $150 for an individual registered player, or $200 for two or more registered players per family. 8u players do not need to participate in fundraising.

Failure to sell the required amount will result in having your fundraising check cashed.

We are always open to new fundraising ideas, if you have an idea, please contact our fundraising committee.  

Fundraising information will be discussed at the annual parent player meeting held in mid-March. There will also be information posted on our website and Facebook as it becomes available.

In past years we have utilized Gertens Garden Center, selling flowers and plan to continue.

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